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About Mario Fanzolato


Aside from the particular page you're on right now, this site is not about me. It's about you, and its purpose is to provide helpful solutions regarding fitness and overall self improvement. For the sake of knowing who you'll be dealing with while skimming through the dozens of published articles, I will discuss my life very briefly, and how I intend on continually dedicating a large part of it to the development of Veb.

Growing up (and until recently) I was the jack of all trades, and master of none. I had gifts, passions, and hobbies like everyone else... but I was still searching for myself. I won't get into the details of it, but my journey (originally sparked by the desire to build muscle) really is a spiritual one. I will say that it's molded me into a better person; one that feels the need and the obligation to assist others in any way that he can. Veb is the platform I'll consistently be using to accomplish this.

I've completed several certifications & courses related to fitness, nutrition, and wellness... and some in different industries altogether. I have a Bachelor of Arts & Sciences degree from Concordia University (located in Montreal, Canada), with a major in economics, and a minor in sociology. I'm also continually expanding my Internet marketing skill-set through various courses and programs to better instruct others on creating an established online business or promoting an existing company online. Consequently, I own and run an inbound marketing agency which is naturally exclusive to these fields.

While my career path has led me in a different direction, I haven't entirely let go of my roots. I continue to be a part-time personal trainer (focused primarily on muscle building) working out of my private Montreal fitness studio. And so, it's safe to say that my knowledge on each of the above-mentioned topics is the culmination of my own experiences, the meticulous observation/monitoring of my clients' progress, and both formal & non-formal education.

With having suffered some weight training injuries in the gym (such as pulled muscles and a sprained lower back), along with chronic lower back & abdominal pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and quite possibly some negative/residual effects of A.D.D. (i.e. attention deficit disorder) for several years... I could honestly mention that I've been through a lot. I was also diagnosed with "probable" Celiac (also spelled Coeliac) at the age of 23, which meant that I would have to follow a gluten-free diet for the rest of my life; Gluten is found in wheat flour, so I was forced to cut out breads, pasta, pizza, etc. It's important to state that I no longer follow a strict gluten-free regimen, although it can be beneficial for most individuals seeing that it basically consists of healthy, whole-food eating.

So why am I telling you that I've been through some struggles? Simply because difficult challenges hold the key to learning about yourself, and what works best for you. My circumstances have fortunately placed me in a position of understanding others, and, therefore, how to empower them to overcome their obstacles. In many of the fitness and wellness articles you'll find on this site, you'll notice that I don't offer specific advice. Instead, I provide some guidance, allowing you to draw up your own conclusions concerning the necessary steps in achieving your goals.

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Fitness companies and organizations seeking a muscle building speaker for an upcoming bodybuilding or strength & conditioning event can hire Mario Fanzolato.